Who We Are

The Divorce Support Collective seeks to revolutionize the divorce process by fostering a network of professionals dedicated to empowering individuals with innovative, collaborative, and educational solutions. Our mission is to transform the traditional divorce narrative, enabling professionals to build thriving practices while helping clients navigate their transitions more effectively and compassionately.

Holistic Support

We believe in supporting families through every stage of the divorce process. From the initial contemplation to thriving post-decree, our approach is comprehensive and holistic, ensuring that every family member's needs are addressed, facilitating healing and growth.

Professional Integrity

Our professionals are committed to operating with the utmost respect, autonomy, collaboration, and restoration. We hold these values as paramount, ensuring that our practices not only meet but exceed the ethical standards of our professions. This commitment enables us to provide the highest quality of service and support to those navigating the challenges of divorce.

Equity and Inclusion

Every voice matters in the conversation about divorce. We strive to bring diverse perspectives to the table and ensure that all discussions are conducted in an equitable manner. By valuing and integrating a multitude of experiences and viewpoints, we create richer, more effective solutions and support systems.

Safe and Supportive Environments

We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe, non-judgmental space for all professionals and clients. This environment allows everyone involved to express their thoughts and emotions freely, fostering a sense of security and openness that is crucial for effective support and collaboration.

Empowering Education

Knowledge is power. We are committed to providing empowering education to the community and our clients. By offering comprehensive resources and learning opportunities, we equip individuals with the necessary tools to make informed decisions about their divorce process, enhancing their ability to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Meet Angie

Angie Weber, owner of The Parent Toolbox and parent coach, has found her enjoyment of working along co-parents as they navigate a new type of relationship. Knowing that divorce is one of the most difficult transitions to make, she knew there must be a better way to approach it after hearing horror stories from clients and acquaintances. She set out to bring a collection of people to help those from the contemplation stage to post decree with more peace.

After meeting Rachel through networking and sharing her idea, Rachel was just as excited to bring this support to not only professionals, but those going through divorce.

Meet Rachel

Rachel Kennedy, founder of Rachel Kennedy Mediation, decided to become a family mediator after going through a long difficult divorce herself in the court system. She brings a background in psychology and social services to the mediation space, as well as deep knowledge of domestic violence, addiction, and other more difficult conflicts. Rachel’s passion is to offer compassion and respect, along with professional expertise, to help other families have a better divorce experience than her own family’s.

After hearing Angie’s idea to bring professionals together to educate and support people through divorce in a compassionate way, she was excited to join Angie to develop the Divorce Support Collective.

We can help.

Become Empowered

It is our goal to provide education and support to both of our professional members and community members through various events.

Find The Right People

Search through our professional members directory to find the right support for your situation that align with your goals.

Continued Support

Whether you are a professional or an individual navigating divorce, we offer memberships to best support you.